Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Want to get rid of your credit card debt opt for credit counseling

There are many people who use their credit cards indiscriminately but do not know how to face their monthly credit card statements. Therefore, if your monthly expenditure exceeds your income then you need to go in for credit counseling. As the name suggests the credit counseling companies help you and provide advice on managing your debts and clearing them. However, even these companies are helpless if you continue to indulge and keep spending without adhering to any financial discipline. Therefore, if you want get control of your finances, work towards curtailing your needs. You must know the right time to approach a credit counseling agency for help. You must seek credit counseling services when you are unable to pay minimum credit card monthly payments and are regularly delayed in paying one or more of your regular bills.

Additionally, you must approach these agencies when you are regularly hunted by collection agencies and your creditors refuse to accommodate you any more. When any of the above listed situations arises, you must seek professional help. However, you need to be really careful in selecting the firm to approach. You must know that many credit counseling firms are set up just to make profits from poor already harassed individuals. Therefore, you must select only those firms that are accredited by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies.

In most circumstances credit counseling is done free of cost. Therefore, you must be cautious of companies that demand very high fees to sort out your financial problems. In addition to this, after you have selected a firm, you must ensure that your payments are actually going to your creditors. Many fraud firms are set up in the name of providing credit counseling. However, these agencies fool poor debtors coming to them by not passing there money to creditors or passing the money quite late. An authentic credit counseling agency will never show you rosy dreams of a debt-free future. Therefore, you must always stay away from firms that paint false dreams. You must always try to look for genuine credit counseling companies who can tell you the actual result of low interest rate debt repayment.

A genuine credit counseling agency will inform you that your credit rating will go for a toss if you get a debt repayment plan drawn up. However, you must know that it is better to have a poor credit ranking then moving towards a negative rating due to bankruptcy. You must always keep in mind that bankruptcy can leave a black mark on your file that will last for a whole decade. Remember that creditors like individuals with no financial problems or outstanding debts. This is the goal that genuine credit counseling agencies help you achieve.

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