Sunday, October 16, 2016

Non aggressive marketing techniques

Do you cringe at the thought of trying to promote your business ? Does it feel like "selling yourself" or egotism? Many individuals are not comfortable with marketing dimension of running a business.

This leads to an inner frustation for many and inner conflicts. Whether this is due to one’s passion for one’s true interests, a dislike of networking or another root, there may be a way around blatant self-promotion.

When someone receives something of value for free, trust and good feeling naturally arise. Giving away a free item or service are very effective marketing strategies. This will acquaint a new person with your product and company plus can be a non-agressive means to re-contact former customers or clients. Has anyone came to your office or company for a few months but hasn’t returned for a year. Mailing a coupon or a booklet to that person could be a way to re-establish contact. People get very busy and may have been thinking of contacting you but it became something on the back burner that was buried.

Here are some concrete examples and strategies that have proven to be effective:

1) Many local newspapers will run without cost a free service listing in the announcements section. If you would like to get the word out about your business or company, set aside a 2 hour block on a Friday and send out a press release such as, " Janet Jinet will be available for free 15 minute phone consults Friday, March 13 from 3-5 at xxx-yyyy." You can give advice or ideas to people during that 2 hour block of time. Don’t label yourself by saying, "I’m not a consultant". Think about what you know and what information you can give someone who calls you.

2) Send to a former client or customer a two for one offer, 20 percent off coupon or some type of special.

3) As a social worker and yoga teacher, I was looking to expand her practice and classes. I wrote a 24 page booklet on Stress Reduction in Daily Life, incorporating tips from yoga, psychology and meditation. At a local health food store I found a place at the counter under the bulletin board where people were allowed to leave brochures and materials. As a result of leaving a stack of 50 booklets, that week 2 new people attended my yoga class and she received a new psychotherapy client. As an added plus, the therapy client gave the booklet to her best friend who began sessions. A month later a financial planner in my yoga class bought 500 booklets to give as a free Christmas gift to her clients with her sticker on the cover which she used to promote her own business.

4) Network with others and do an exchange of flyers with someone in a non-competing field. For instance, a chiropractor could call a mattress store and each could have the other’s flyers in their place of business.

5) Local libraries are open to free classes and reach a large population through their regular press releases.

Use your giving energy to build your practice rather than try to change and become a "marketer" . We work best in using our natural energies rather than fighting with ourselves to become someone else.

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