Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to dominate a niche with little marketing knowledge

To make tons of money online, keeping things simple is the best approach. I see many people buying this product and that product to learn the latest tips and techniques etc.

If you focus on the simple things that have worked for others, you’ll make a killing in just about any market.

Here are just some of the things you can do to be successful in just about any market.

1.) Capture leads

2.) Learn your target market

3.) Pump money back into your business

Any person who knows a thing or two about marketing knows that the money is in the list. You need to capture the names and emails of your website visitors and email them continuously.

I bet you’ve heard that a million times. That’s because it works.

Yet, if you’re poking your head around different markets you’ll see that there are many people who still don’t have an email signup form on their sites. If they do have a signup form, they have the form tucked away in some little corner where no one sees it.

If you do a search for the major keywords on your market and you find that many of the websites do not have optin forms then you know that your competitors have poor marketing skills. Having an email form is one of the most basic but effective marketing techniques ever.

The second step is to learn about your target market. That’s because you need to know what buttons to push when it comes to writing sales copy. Again, it doesn’t take a lot to write money sucking copy for many niche markets. You don’t have to know the deepest psychological tricks to get visitors to buy. You need to know some of the things that your target market is interested in and then gear your ad copy towards their concerns and interests.

The third step is to pump money back into your business. That’s a fundamental factor for success in any business. When you’re selling something on a website and you have measured conversion levels, those numbers will remain the same no matter if you have 100 visitors or 1,000 visitors a day.

Let’s say you have a conversion rate of 2%. For every 100 people who visit your site, two of them become customers. Now you need to take the money from those two sales and drive more people to your site. Now you have 1,000 visitors and you get 20 sales. Take a portion of that and reinvest in your business. Know your numbers and keep tossing money to fuel the fire.

There are tons of niches online that are begging for you to step in and dominate. Simply find the markets where people obviously have little marketing skills and take over the market. You can even offer to buy out another business and pick up where they left off.

Head over to the digital marketplace called http://Clickbank. com and browse through the listings. Dig deep within each category and find out the products with bad sales copy and marketing skills. Do a little research to see if that market has money circulating.

To do this, all you have to do is find what the top advertisers are paying in pay per click search engines. If people are paying a lot to get traffic then you know that the people in that target market are willing to spend the money.

You then set up an optin page to capture leads and see if people are information hungry. If they are, then your optin rate will be good. I generally go for optin rates of at least 20%.

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