Saturday, October 1, 2016

Og article marketing 19

How’s and Why’s of Article Marketing

In the world of today that is very modern and advance, there are too many ways to promote things. Since the internet is the one that seems to rule the world in development and advances in businesses, e - business is the one needs a lot of promotion. There are many ways to promote e-business, but still the best way is the traditional one, until I guess a couple of years from now when almost all transactions will be done online.

One of the traditional ways to promote an online business is the article marketing. Article marketing is still the best way to promote a website or an online business. It generates hundreds and sometimes thousands of one-way links to the site.

Article marketing is the best source of unlimited traffic to websites in terms of linking strategies and search engine optimization. Articles can be submitted online to article directories and publishers.

There are many ways to write articles. The following are some tips and advices on writing an article that are effective for article marketing.

• Before starting to write an article, ask yourself on what would be the use of the article for your website. Well, it is more desirable because it is a new fresh way to promote your e-commerce. Article marketing will also help build your inbound links and bring in a good amount of traffic, when written and distributed correctly. Another good reason is that it is free.

• Article’s title is vital to the distribution of your article. Make sure that the title is catchy and interesting. Use some fresh and flashy words in your title. It is the writer’s job to write original articles. The key to a good title is writing it after you finished writing your article.

• Before picking your article topic, expose your target readers or audience. If you are having trouble determining your target audience, you could take a survey on your website that gives you some information about your visitors.

• The final piece of the article should be great for it is very important, the author box or also known as the resource box. It should include some elements like your name, a bit description of you and link to your website. It better to speak in third person. In this way, the article is reprinted on another website and the text flows better. Also, try to make the author box sound as intriguing as possible.

• Pick topics that will benefit the readers. You should list a plan or a blueprint of what to discuss and what to answer in the article. This will help you avoid straying from the topic and exclude any essential parts. Write only about topics that you know. You can also try to research from the internet. Always keep the paragraphs somewhat short. This will make the readers not overwhelmed by all the text.

• Ask your self on how you will write effectively. This depends on the target audience and readers and the personal writing style. You may prefer to write them to be factual yet as boring as hell or you could try making it interesting with a deficiency of information. Do not make an article that is boring. Ranting about irrelevant topics should be avoided.

• Distribute articles properly. The main purpose of writing an article is for others to read it or distribute it. There are many places you can go to submit the articles you have written for reprints, finding them is the difficult part.

Writing an article takes time just like distributing it.

Article marketing provides and offer many benefits. Some of these benefits are the following:

• Articles help to ‘pre - sell’ products and services. It is the quality of website traffic that counts and not necessarily the quantity. The best kind of traffic you can get is from people who have read your articles and have liked what they have read.

• Article marketing is your best way to get known as an expert in your field. If your potential costumers sees your name in an article that is well written and informative articles appearing in several websites around the internet, then the costumers will regard you as an expert in your field.

• Article writing is a great way to generate content for your own website. Although you can look at article marketing as an outreach activity designed primarily for publication elsewhere, you can also use these articles in your own newsletters and on your own website.

• Informative articles build trust in your ability to provide a good product or service. If you are selling online your most important asset can be seen as being knowledgeable and trustworthy if it is writhen in an article.

Article marketing is one of the best strategies for marketing especially for e-businesses.

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