Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Medicare part d a prescription for savings

A common source of worry for many people on Medicare is their ability to afford the prescription drugs they need to remain healthy. The good news, however, is that if you're in Medicare and having trouble paying for needed medications-or if you're worried about your ability to protect yourself against future drug costs-the new Medicare prescription drug program, Part D, can help you.

Through this program, millions of Americans are already getting help with paying for costly prescription drugs. For instance, a couple in one state must take seven medications. They enrolled in Part D when they realized they would save thousands of dollars each year. In fact, the savings from just their first trip to the pharmacy paid for their next two months' Part D premiums.

In another case, a single older woman has been taking only one drug for the last year. So she signed up for the Medicare drug program with a low monthly premium. That pays for the expensive blood pressure medicine her doctor has told her she may need before year's end. Enrolling in the program has given her peace of mind because she knows she has the option to change plans at the end of each year, if she needs something different.

Signing up for Part D takes time and is not easy. But the benefits are making it well worth the effort for millions of Americans, and there is plenty of information available to help you sign up for the plan that is right for you. AARP is providing information online that will walk you through the process of selecting a plan. Visit their Web site, www. aarp. org/medicarerx, for a step-by-step guide to using Medicare's online Plan Finder tool, which will help you prepare for enrolling online at Medicare. gov. Or call AARP at (888) OUR-AARP for a brochure that lays out the steps you need to take to find the best drug plan for you.

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