Monday, November 28, 2016

How to use your hard earned money to quickly reach your goals

So you have a few dollars to save, payoff debts, or invest for the future. What do you do with the money, so you can reach your goals in the quickest and easiest way possible - and not waste time or money on poor decisions?

Step One: Your Emergency Fund

You have received an inheritance of $50,000. What do you do with the money? Yes, you could buy that big screen TV and sound system, and take a major vacation - but what if you wanted to make huge progress on your goals, and not let the money waste away, bit by bit?

You have $500 left after your monthly bills and other fixed expenses are paid, and you set aside money for gas, food, clothing, and other necessary expenses. You could spend this money on little luxuries, pay extra on your mortgage, or save for retirement. How do you make the decision?

The first priority should be setting aside money in your Emergency Fund. Yes, even before you pay off your credit card debt (unless you are in default or delinquent on your bills - then first pay them enough to bring them up to date).

Regardless of how much credit card debt you have, the first step in creating a prosperous future is to change your habits. When the unexpected bill comes (and it always does), you should have money in your Emergency Fund to pay that bill, to avoid racking up additional credit card debt. If you have spent every extra dollar attempting to pay off your debt & have no money set aside, when something unexpected happens, you will rack up even more debt and be right back where you started.

Your Emergency Fund should contain three to six months of your actual bottom-line living expenses. Or more ... I have some clients with up to one year of cash set aside; typically, they are generally risk adverse, are self-employed, or have a fluctuating income stream. Your amount is not three to six months of your salary - it is the bills and necessarily expenses you would have if you were unable to earn income. These funds should be maintained in a cash account, typically a savings or money market account. The Weinstein family Emergency Fund is in an ING Direct Orange Savings Account.

A home equity line of credit (HELOC) does not count. Yes, you could use a home equity line, or take out a loan on your house, if you were unable to earn income or had emergency expenses. But, it would just rack up your monthly expenses and debt even further. And, since interest rates have risen, even the tax deduction does not compensate for the high expense of using the HELOC.

Once you have a well-established habit of saving money each month, and have your Emergency Fund set aside, we can move to the next step - prioritizing debt and your life goals.

Action Step One:

Open up a dedicated savings or money market Emergency Fund account. Set aside a fixed amount of money each month - whether it is $50, $500, or $5,000 - until your fund is at three to six months of your living expenses.

Step Two: Pay Off "Bad" Debt

You've set up your Emergency Fund, and created a wonderful habit of saving $50, $500, or $5000 each month. We don't want to let that habit disappear ... so where do we put your money next?

Step 2 is to pay off any "bad" debt. What that means really depends upon the person, and your tolerance for debt. Some people are not particularly bothered by debt, so their only "bad" debt are those with high interest rates, or minimal tax advantages (non-mortgage and non-student loan debts).

There are two situations where I may ignore the interest rate, and recommend the client pay off the debt ASAP.

(1) Loans from family or friends. These loans, while low interest, may be eating away at the relationship, without you even knowing it. They may reduce the relationship to a formal, strained, money-based transaction, instead of a loving, friendly, supportive bond. You may know the debt is a problem, or ask other relatives to see if the debt is a problem in culture of the family - if so, pay it off quick.

(2) Debt that is keeping your up at night, or making you feel unsuccessful. Debt may be the new "American way" - but it is not right for everyone, or even most people. Monthly payments, or even the idea that you could be repossessed or foreclosed upon, may be eating you up at night. You may feel venerable, or like you have never achieved any of your goals until that debt is paid off.

If this is you, then your debts may become a high priority, even over other goals, like college funding or purchasing a new home. Whether your debt should be paid off as a high priority, depends not just upon the interest rate, but upon the mental and emotional interest rate you are burdened with each month you are making loan payments.

Action Step Two:

Take a personal inventory of your debts, and how much they are costing you in mental and emotional energy. Do they bother you? How much? If so, regardless of how low the interest rate is, paying them off should be a high priority. Start today - pay an extra $10, $100, or $1000 on the principal each month. Even better, set up automatic bill payments in your online bank account bill-pay system to make automatic regular extra payments each month or quarter.

Step Three: Goals Funding - Base Level

Now you have set up your Emergency Fund, and paid off your "Bad" Debt, including a loan from a family member, a high-rate credit card, and an old debt from college that was really bothering you.

You have a bunch of goals - retirement, paying off your mortgage, buying your next house, launching a new business, and sending the kids to college.

Which comes first? Retirement? The kids? Paying off your debts? How do you decide?

Step 3 of Where to Put Your Next $1 is to fund your goals, in order of priority, at the base levels - the amount of money you need to satisfy the minimum requirement of your goal.

For example, how much money do you need to pay your bills in retirement - not live an extravagant lifestyle, or play golf every day for 20 years, or travel the world - but how much to keep out of a cardboard box and live comfortably?

How much money do you need to save to send the kids to State College, as opposed to Ivy League? How much would it cost for the house you need, as opposed to the house you want?

Then fund the minimum, base level of those goals in order of priority. This may mean you start by contributing to your retirement plan or IRA, then contribute to a 529 Plan for the kid's college education, then set aside money in a CD to start a business in 3 years, and then, finally, invest to raise funds for a bigger house.

How do you decide the order of priority? First, determine if there is another way to pay for the goal, besides your own savings - if so, then it is probably a lower priority than goals for which you have no other alternative. For instance, there are loans easily available for college education, but not for retirement (with the exception of a reverse mortgage). Also, you could obtain investors or take out a loan to fund a new business, and pay them off with the new income stream.

Second, evaluate if you are giving up "free money" by not utilizing pre-tax or matching savings or retirement plans. If you can save pre-tax, the federal government is contributing to your goal (since you don't have to pay those taxes), and if you don't take advantage of this each year, you are leaving money sitting on the table. Similarly, if you are lucky to be employed by a company who matches a 401(k) plan, you may want to contribute at least the match, to "let" your employer help fund your retirement.

Action Step Three:

Make a List of Your Goals, in order of priority. Look at your #1 Goal - is it really your most important, or is it just first in order of time? Any special types of accounts or matching available for this goal? How much will your goal cost? What's the base level for that goal?

Set aside money each month to fund the base level of your #1 Goal - use your automatic savings or investment plan help you execute this week's Action Step.

Step Four: Above and Beyond ...

You've maxed out your Emergency Fund, paid off your "bad" debts, and funded the minimum levels of your most important life goals. Great job! What's next?

Step 4 is to fully fund your goals, in order of priority. For example ...

* Max out your Roth IRA, if you are eligible.

* Max out your 401(k) and IRAs (yes, you can do both, the IRA just might not be deductible).

* Purchase ESPP stock (and don't forget to regularly sell and diversify).

* Contribute to a 529 Plan and/or taxable investment account for college education.

* Invest in taxable or tax-advantage accounts for miscellaneous future goals, or additional retirement funds.

* Buy investment real estate and/or rental property.

* Pay off your mortgage.

* Purchase CDs or Bonds for specific, time dated goals.

* Leave money sitting in your Health Savings Account, invested and tax-deferred, until you can roll it over to an IRA in your retirement.

Wow, do you still have money sitting on the table? Wonderful! If your goals are already funded, then don't forget to enjoy your money now. Take a first-class vacation, hire a errand service for a few hours each week, buy a new sound system, or make a significant donation to your favorite charity. Balance saving for your future goals with living life now.

Action Step Four:

Choose your highest priority goal from Step 3. Have you fully funded this goal, to achieve your ultimate dream? Evaluate whether you have funded the minimal level of your other goals. If you have, then choose an action step from the list above ... and enjoy your prosperity!

The unfortunate epidemic sexual abuse in the autistic world

The Unfortunate Epidemic: Sexual Abuse in the Autistic World

One of the most perverse problems in an autistic individual's life is the threat of sexual abuse. This can come in the form of rape or simply be in an abusive relationship. Because autistic people spend much of their lives feeling different and left out, they often enjoy sexual experiences for one reason: it puts then on a playing field equal to others. It is very easy for this to become a controlling part of a relationship. The most important thing to remember is that autistic people experience sexuality in much of the same way that others do, no matter how highly functioning they may be. Parents should teach their child about sexuality from an early age in order to prevent sexual abuse from happening.

The most valuable command that anyone can learn in relationship to sexuality is "No." Teaching this to even children can be very useful. In this respect, treat your autistic child as no different than you would another child-teach him or her the parts of the body from a young age and be very clear, as the child matures, about what happens during puberty and what kinds of behaviors are appropriate and inappropriate. Be sure that your child understands the differences between good touches and bad touches. This can be extremely difficult for autistic children who are sensitive to touch in general. It may be helpful to label "zones" on the body where no one should touch without permission.

Also make sure that as your autistic child grows into an adult, he or she understands what rape is and what to do if this happens. As many autistic children are hands-on learners, it may be best to role-play some potentially dangerous situations. If your child communicates non-verbally, teach him or her clear signs to show a person to stop what they are doing. Autistic people can often not understand that others have their own thoughts and emotions-they believe that everyone thinks and feels what they do. Because of this, many are shocked to find that "bad" people in the world will take advantage of sexual situations. You may need to explain to an autistic individual what kinds of dress and conduct are appropriate in public so that he or she is not unknowingly attracting sexual attention.

You child should learn to respect his or her body and understand that others need to respect it as well. This is only possible if parents and educators teach autistic children about their bodies from a young age. By learning how to stop sexual abuse, you can keep you children, autistic or not, safe from predators.

Keep out of debt by avoiding overdrafts

Avoiding overdrafts, bounced checks, should be a number one priority to all those who have checking accounts. The amount of money that you can be charged by the bank and by the merchant who takes the bounced check can be staggering. If too many of these overdrafts show up at one time, you can find yourself several hundreds of dollars (or more) in arrears just in penalties and fees. You may even have to go to court to get things back to normal, and lastly, your bank may cancel your account. There is nothing good about overdrafts.

So, how can you avoid bounced checks and overdrafts?

The answer to that is good management. If you know what funds are in your account, you are less likely to make a mistake which can cause an overdraft.

The first step to preventing overdrafts is to use your checkbook register when you write a check or make an electronic transfer from your checking account. The register is the fastest way to keep track of what you have outstanding and what your current balance is in your checking account. An important issue with keeping the register up to date is to make sure that you also include any service fees that are automatically deducted from your account. This might include such things as your monthly fee for the account, if there is one.

Modern technology has allowed us to use many forms of electronic money transfers and these can cause bookkeeping problems for those who do not maintain good records. Some of the electronic methods that we use that affect our checking account balance include debit cards, ATM withdrawals and deposits, online money transfers and deposits, as well as online purchases.

Many of these methods result in very fast transactions with our checking accounts. In some cases, the transactions can be almost instantaneous and it is very important that we know that we have the funds in our account when we make these transactions. Electronic transactions where there is not enough money in your account can result in non-sufficient funds penalties just like written checks, and those fees can add up very quickly.

You may want to ask your bank about overdraft protection systems that they may offer to their customers. These allow you some leeway in the event you write a check and do not have the funds to cover it. There are usually overdraft fees that you have to pay if you write a check that is short, but these fees are less than what you would normally have to pay if you did not have the overdraft protection.

Some banks will allow you to link your savings account to your checking account. If overdraw your checking account, the bank will automatically move money from your savings account to your checking account in order to cover the check. You should ask your bank about transfer fees for this service as this is not always a free service.

Another option is to link your checking account to your credit card. Not all banks will do this, but some will. With this type of linkage, the amount of the overdraft will be covered by the bank but it will result in a cash advance off the credit card. You will normally have to pay the cash advance fees, but, again, it can keep you out of trouble by honoring the check.

The best advice is to always keep a close eye on your checking account balance and to make sure you account for all charges and fees that will affect your balance.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Business and the staffing challenge

Business in the UK face many challenges as the economy tightens but recruiting the right staff is one hassle that can be solved by working with good external recruitment consultants.
The search for suitable, motivated staff is one of the greatest challenges a business faces as this can change the dynamics of how the business performs.
Employee referral schemes
Many companies are now finding Employee Referral Schemes can successfully work and currently 38% of UK employers used employee referral schemes as a way of finding staff. Prospective candidates will generally tell their friends when they are thinking of a change. They could be friends of the staff members. Therefore, the staff members should know about the vacancies and be encouraged for referrals. They should be offered with good incentives for the same. If staff members are happily working with the organization, and are getting paid for introducing their friends, they would be eager to suggest the good candidates for recruitment.
Candidates who are familiar with the job market scene will be aware that not all recruitment agencies are equal. The intense competition that exists within the job market in general suggests that there are a large number of recruitment firms and many of them provide sub-standard services. This means that there are a limited amount of recruitment agencies which have what it takes to provide candidates with the recruitment solutions and results which they desire
Head Hunters
Finding the people you need to run your business is not an easy task and his is why many more businesses are turning to specialist recruitment companies to find the right staff.
Another challenge that businesses face are head hunters. Because in many industries there is such a skills shortage head hunters are recruited to find suitable staff in existing work from competitors companies. Head Hunter then matches these with available jobs.
The recruitment staff will then search their database of applications to identify suitable candidates for the position. Left uncontrolled, this can lead to successful companies bleeding staff and finding it difficult to deliver projects. As any manager or Director knows, finding the right staff for your business is essential.
The Internet
The internet is being used by more and more people for almost anything imaginable. Whereas some individuals use the internet for play and games, many are finding it very useful for work-related things. One site that is being used by many individuals and businesses is online recruitment. Example after example can be given showing how effective this is for helping someone find suitable employment.
There are many online recruitment companies on the web. Each of them offers you some unique feature to entice you into purchasing a membership and using their site. Often, there are review sites where you can do reviews on the online recruitment sites to see which one is used more and which one is rated higher. As with anything you purchase, it is always a smart idea to not sign up for the first thing you see. Some of them will show you an online recruitment example of what they can do to help you find employment or employee if you are a business that is seeking workers.
Whatever your decision about finding the right staff for your business you decide one thing you can be assured is that all business in most sectors are facing the same problem. Once you have recruited the staff then keeping them happy and retaining their services is for another time!
Temporary and Permanent staff in London

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Builders suffer due to mortgage crisis

During last month the existing home sales fell down again and it is reported that a large number of homebuilders are facing the worst ever quarterly earning. These homebuilders believe that the main reason behind this mess in the stressed housing sector is the continuous sub prime mortgage crisis.

The National Association of Realtors mentioned that during the month of August it was noted that the purchases of the previously owned homes fell down by 4.3 percent from what is was in the month of July, i. e. sending sales slipping to five years low. In the month of July, the annual sales rate was 5.75 million that dropped down to 5.50 million. Statistic says that the existing home sales have fallen almost 13 percent over the period of last 12 months.

On the other hand, the Lennar Corporation declared their biggest quarterly loss in its history after it wrote down $848 million in the value of real estate. The company's net loss was $513.9 million, or we can say $3.25 per share, compared to the profit of $206.7 million, or $1.30 per share, during the same time of the previous year. The shares of Lennar Corporation were down by 4 percent in midday trading, at $23.20.

The shocking news in the housing sector was joined with a disappointing report on customer confidence from the Conference Board, whose index dropped down to 99.8 during September from 105.6 in the month of August. This fall was much more than what was forecasted. Its index is now at its lowest level in the past two years. A group of analyst believes that the reason behind the concern among the consumers is the weak job market and stagnant salary that has probably created declines in the consumer spending and job creation during the period of coming months.

Joshua Shapiro, the chief United States economist of a New York research firm believes that fall in the housing sector is just because of the negative environment over the residential real estate, affects and creates the changes in the consumer's attitude and consumer's spending ability.

Lennar has reported a drop of 44 percent in its revenue during the last quarter and has reduced 35 percent of its work force. It turned out to be another sufferer of the high inventory levels and credit market disorder that have created many troubles for the home builders in the period of last few months. The company's chief executive, Stuart Miller, said in a statement today that due to the continuous decline of our net margin and for that reason, higher injuries to our inventory. He also added that the staff reductions were in store for the fourth quarter.

On the other hand the Darlene Williams, assistant secretary of US Housing and Urban Development hopes that even though the current crisis in the credit market the sub prime mortgages must stay as they play a very important role in increasing home ownership in United States. She hoped that the US congress would pass Federal Housing Administration, reforms to expand federal backing of mortgages.

Condominiums advantages of ownership

Condominiums tend to be a love it or hate it subject with property owners. Here are the advantages of owning a condominium.

Condominium – Advantages

Condominiums provide a unique living opportunity in the United States, one that many people have jumped on in this hot real estate market. Although not for everyone, condominium ownership does have some distinct advantages over stand alone homes.

1. Condominiums are cheaper than stand alone homes. Universally, you will find the lack of a yard makes condominiums a cheaper buying option when compared to the rest of the real estate market. This makes condominiums a good real estate option for first time buyers, as they are often able to get into one when they otherwise would not qualify for a loan for a tradition home.

2. Condominiums are also excellent options after the kids are gone. Once kids are out of the home, you’ll find the space in your home is no longer necessary. Many parents will downsize to a condominium and use the cash windfall from a home to take early retirement. This trend is occurring with greater frequency as the baby boom generation begins to retire.

3. Condominiums are also excellent options for people that travel a lot. If you have to travel for work, you know the problems that can arise from having a home sitting empty for weeks or months on end. Burglaries, graffiti and so on are natural results of leaving a home empty. With condominiums, it is much harder for someone to tell if a person is home or not. This makes condominiums very popular with pilots and certain sales people.

4. A detached home requires a lot of maintenance to keep it in good shape. A condominium also requires maintenance, but the homeowners’ association is responsible for the upkeep. Generally, the constant attention provided through the homeowners’ association makes condos a better long term maintenance option.

Condominiums are not for everyone, but they have definite advantages over detached homes in certain situations. While guidelines are a solid method of determining if a condo is a good option, you really need to consider your personal circumstances to determine the best choice for you.

Is business credit card helpful

Business credit card

Is business credit card helpful?

‘Yes’ – is the answer that’s comes out almost immediately. That is true at least for most businesses (especially small businesses). Before we delve deeper into how business credit cards are helpful, let’s try and understand what a business credit card is.

Put simply, a business credit card is a credit card that is owned by a business and not an individual. To understand this better, you can simply draw an analogy between the business credit cards and business bank accounts, which are in the name of the business as well. Other than that, business credit cards work in pretty much the same fashion as the personal credit cards; with a few exceptions. These exceptions are in the form of flexibility in credit limit, low APRs and some other additional benefits that are available to business credit cards only.

Even from just that, business credit cards seem a good proposition. However, business credit cards would be attractive even without those benefits because the main benefit lies elsewhere. The big-big benefit from a business credit card is realised in terms of business expense accounting. For most small businesses, business expense accounting is a big overhead. With business credit cards, this is handled very easily – you just have to ensure that you make all your business expenses on your business credit card and let the personal expenses be on the personal credit card i. e. segregation of business and personal expenses is all you need to do. So the bill for your business credit card will have all the business expenses on it and you wouldn’t need to collate all the various bills or sort out the items from your personal credit card bill. The key here is to make sure that you use your business credit card for all your business expenses (or as much as you can). Moreover, a lot of business credit card suppliers realise this need of small business and even organise the business credit card bills in a way that meets the accounting requirements of these businesses. So mostly, they will appropriately group the expenses on the business credit card bill so as to facilitate business expense accounting. In fact, some of the business credit card suppliers go to an extent of providing the bills in a format that can be downloaded and exported to an accounting system i. e. you don’t need to enter the data manually in your accounting system. In case the format is not suitable for your accounting system, you can hire a software professional to write a small quick program to convert it into a suitable format.

Thus just one reason - ‘facilitation of business expense accounting’, is enough to support the case of small business credit cards.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Aptitude test 04

I remember the first time that I took a student aptitude test in high school. At first, I was tempted to turn it sideways and scribble on it like my friends were doing, but curiosity got the best of me. Was there anything to these aptitude tests, I wondered? I figured that there was really only one way to find out. I answered all of the career interest questions diligently. I am sure that you remember how idiotic these things are. The questions are so idiotic and simplistic that it is really hard not to fudge all of the answers. After all, if that aptitude test does not tell you something that you already know, you probably do not know yourself all that well.

It is strange, then, that years later, I find myself in the position of designing skills aptitude tests for several different business clients. It is one of those strange jobs that you wander into accidentally. Few people wonder about where all of those standardized test questions come from. I know that I never even thought about it until I saw the job posting on the local community bulletin board. It was for a national testing company, looking for people to write questions on spec. it sounded like it might be a scam, but I figured that I would give it a go. To my surprise, they accepted all of my questions and game me a per article contract job.

At first, I was designing scholastic aptitude test questions, focusing primarily on English language comprehension. It did not take long, however, for me to get into other areas as well. You may not realize it, but a great proportion of the standardized tests printed in this country are in the hands of a very few large businesses. Once you get into the loop, the jobs keep pouring in for as long as you want them. At first it takes too long to be really lucrative, but once you get the hang of it, you can make good money.

The money is so good, in fact, that I was able to pay my way through college on it. I still had to take out a few student loans, but for the most part I made my money writing testing questions. I now know one of the dirtiest secrets of the professional world: half of the business aptitude test questions are written by college undergraduates.

Just what do we pay graphic designers for

We all know, that in actual fact designers not only create images that are designed to catch the eye of the consumer, but to make a business appear professional also and indeed the core purpose of their work is to help convert potential customers into actual customers via brand/image and marketing materials linked in with this.

Is that all?

I’m sure a lot of business owners think that really is all there is to the design industry that serves them and the many designers that populate it.

In some cases (for some designers) that really is all there is to it – they don’t operate on many other levels other than to make their designs professional, pretty, and eye catching.

However there really are other aspects that must be considered when you commission a design to develop the brand image for your business, a couple of these are explored in more detail now;

1. Target Market;

Recently I was approached by a company interested in brand design; their product and service was one that should be targeting both men and women, and yet when I was shown the design they had received already for another designer I immediately noted some glaring issues with it.

The design itself was eye pleasing and on the surface of it a less experienced person may observe that it was a professional effort; but the designer had produced something which featured a stylised woman as the central figure within the logo and not only that despite the stylised nature of the image, she was clearly of oriental heritage.

I quickly pointed out to the customer that when one’s target market is male and females and not women only, that to gender bias one’s logo design is counter productive, and even worse to possibly alienate even more people by making the character a particular ethnicity when your product is targeted at all nationalities.

A creative must think, think, think, and then and think some more about the target market when they are designing. To enable that before they start designing, they absolutely have to ask the business owner about the business; who are the customers, how will the product or service be sold to them, and so on.

2. Colours & Tones

A long time ago now I wrote a very popular article entitled the ‘The Relationship Between Colours & Sales’ – I’ve long since populated the piece across the internet and you can thus read it on many websites.

Although as creatives we don’t need to enslave ourselves completely to the rules of colour psychology, any designer working on a project should always keep this in mind.

In addition to considering the psychological effect certain colours have on mood and behaviour, which is well documented by the marketing industry, one needs to consider the socio-economic dynamic of the target market as this has some bearing on the tone of the colour scheme chosen.

For instance it’s not uncommon for my clients to ask for a bright colour scheme for their brand design, but this doesn’t always suit their target market; it’s known that low income groups are attracted to bright colours and thus if you don’t wish to attract low income groups a bright colour scheme isn’t right for your brand design regardless of what you like as an individual.

When your designer goes to work and you review concepts it’s vital to appreciate the design isn’t supposed to necessarily appeal to what you like, it’s supposed to appeal to your target market and this may not necessarily be the same thing as your own favourite colours.

These are just a couple of important areas that must be considered by your designer before they start work on your brand development, some of the other areas include;

- Ensuring the design will work well whether printed billboard sized or business card sized.

- Making sure the company name is easily readable.

- Ensuring the design is neither too tall in height, or too wide horizontally; disproportionate designs can be more difficult to incorporate into layouts for print such as flyers, stationery, brochures and so on; this means these items may not look as good as they should.

Much of this advice can also be applied even when you already have your brand design established and have moved on to developing this further with your marketing materials.

It’s important that the designer working on your printed stationery and marketing materials appreciates the need to be sympathetic to the brand theme already established, and also has sufficient skill and experience to bear in mind that designs created must appeal to the target market.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Deal castle

Deal Castle

Henry VIII built three forts - Deal, Walmer and Sandown-along a two-mile stretch of shore to hamper any attacks. An earth rampart, with intermittent bastions, linked them but that has since perished. The whole scheme was finished by the fall of 1540.

Deal Castle, the central fort of the three, was the largest of all Henry VIII's forts. Here the characteristic geometrical layout of the series attains its most elaborate form. The result, whether by accident or design, is a sexfoil plan reminiscent of a Tudor rose.

At the center is a squat, round tower with six semi-circular bastions projecting from its circumference, and surrounding that is a massive curtain arranged into six projecting lobes. There is thus a return to the concentricity of Edwardian castles, a key feature being the graduated height of the parapets to permit cannon fire from three levels simultaneously.

The stone-faced ditch is guarded by fifty-four gun ports set in the curtain, each one in a small chamber reached from the gallery at basement level. The gun ports are widely splayed embrasures typical of the Henrician era. One of the outer lobes is higher than the rest and contains the entrance, formerly reached by a drawbridge across the ditch.

Within the gate passage are all the traditional trappings of defense - portcullis groove, studded oak gates and murder holes in the vault. To reach the central tower, it is necessary to pass through the courtyard, in fact no more than a curving corridor between the central tower and the curtain. It would have been a death trap for attackers attempting to make their way to the tower entrance while under fire from either side.

The central tower had store rooms, garrison's lodgings and the governor's residence crammed into its three floors. Timber partitions radiate from a central stone shaft, which contains a spiral stair.

Bad credit lending tips

Having a bad credit score can really hinder a persons ability to get an extension of credit. Lenders rely heavily upon a persons credit rating to determine eligibility for a loan.

Bad credit lending is designed to help people rebuild their credit, get the money they need and be able to restore their credit rating so they can qualify for amore traditional loan in the future.

Having bad credit does not mean you can not borrow money. It may seem like it when you start out looking for lenders. The many nos you will hear can be discouraging. However, if you know where to look it can help turn a no into a yes.

Bad credit lenders understand that at some point you had to have a good credit rating because you were extended credit. They also understand that rebuilding your credit is something you have to do and they want to help. They assume the risk other lenders will not.

A person with a bad credit rating is considered a risk because they have a track record that shows they do not fulfill credit obligations. Lenders do not want to lose out on money so they would rather not lend to those with adverse credit. Bad credit lenders, however, assume that risk by charging high interest rates so they are making some profit from the start.

For a person to find a finance source it will take more than simply shopping around. They should try something different. Credit cards and bank loans are nearly impossible to get without some type of good credit.

They are not the best places to start. There are some credit cards designed for bad credit but they usually involve high fees and a very low credit limit to begin with. Unless a person is simply looking to build credit these are not a good choice.

Other places to try are web based lenders or sub prime lenders who specialize in helping people with bad credit. These are usually the best bet if a person needs a loan and also wants to build credit.

In recent years a number of these niche lenders have emerged as the number of people with an adverse credit history increases. Also high street lenders are now starting to relax their lending criteria in order to corner this profitable sub prime market.

A search online can produce many good possibilities. It is wise, however, to review all terms and conditions carefully. This includes reading all the paperwork and small print. Bad credit lending is not cheap but some lenders are really out to make money and not help at all.

Bad credit lending is out there, but it is costly. Once a person has damaged their credit it is going to take time and money to rebuild it. The god thing, though, is once a person starts establishing credit again they can begin to look at traditional lenders and take their bad credit loan and refinance to get rid of the extreme costs.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The basics of tae kwon do

The Basics Of Tae Kwon Do

Tae Kwon Do is a modern martial art, well known all around the world for it’s lightning fast, often high, spectacular spin kicks. Tae Kwon Do has been around for many years, originally founded in Korea. It translates to “the are of punching and kicking”, or the “art of unarmed combat”.

The martial art Tae Kwon Do has four disciplines - patters, self defense, break test, and sparring. It isn’t just one of these disciplines that make up the art, but a combination of them. All 4 of them are important, especially for those looking to advance in belt ranking. To advance in a belt, there are certain tests that students need to pass.

One of the great things about Tae Kwon Do is the fact that there are no age limits, and it can easily be learned by young children. Children of all ages will quickly learn fast reactions playing games, learn respect, and they will also learn their abilities as well as their disabilities.

The competitions however, are a bit different for children than they are for the adults. Even though the participants will wear full body protection, children can only kick and punch to the body, as no shots to the head are allowed. The competitions in Tae Kwon Do is what makes the art so very dominating. A majority of students that practice this martial art do so because of the competitions.

The competitions can be very exciting to watch, as they can get very competitive. Contrary to what many may think, the competitions aren’t deadly, nor are they anywhere close to being as dangerous as Muay Thai fights. Competitors will wear full protection, including head gear. For adults, kicks to the head are allowed, although a majority of stylists can block them before they make impact.

In order to participate in the competitions, stylists will need to have a certain level of experience. It can take years to become good enough, especially for those who win. Competitions are a great way to learn, especially if there are participating fighters from other areas of the world. The skill of a stylist is a very important factor with the competitions and tournaments. If you have a black belt fighter going against a white belt - the results will normally be quite obvious.

All things aside, the art of Tae Kwon Do is a great martial art. Stylists can learn kicking, punching, blocking, and the spectacular movements the art is known for. Tae Kwon Do is practiced all around the world, meaning that there are just as many places to learn this art as there are Karate. For an art that won’t disappoint - Tae Kwon Do teaches self defense and a whole lot more.


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Health and beyond discover the secrets of a healthy cookie

If you’re like a majority of people you’re on a health kick to enjoy life more. Of which one problem that you may face is giving up all of those sweet cookies for a healthy cookie. For sure you may not believe that any cookie without tons of sugar can be good. However this may not hold true, and besides eating a healthy cookie is certainly best for you. Find out more about some of the cookies you can eat, and why they’re good for you.

Sure, it’s hard to change a life time of bad eating habits with sweets, but remember it CAN be done. Nevertheless if Cookie Monster from Sesame Street can do it, surely you can too. Just because you choose to eat a healthy cookie doesn’t mean that you’re going to be limited on taste. There are dozens of recipes that exist on the Internet and in a number of cookbooks that include delicious flavors that taste sweet. A healthy cookie means digging into oatmeal, raisins, bananas, coconuts, or even apple.

You will definitely need to know the inside secrets if you are still trying to figure out how a cookie could taste so good even with all the fruit. For starters, substitution of hard granulated sugars can be replaced with artificial sweeteners. At times the use of pure white sugars that are less refined are used too. Brown sugar is used in a lot of cookies, and amazingly it’s good for you too. In other words there’s not as much sugar in the sugar, and the cookie turns into a healthy cookie to eat. In addition raw honey also plays a part to in making a healthy cookie because it’s not processed.

Cookies can be made too with no white refined sugar when you mix a lot of different types of fruit into it. Raisins, apples, and dates have a distinctive flavor and they are a very naturally sweet dessert. Also raw coconut makes a superb flavor for a cookie. In fact one very healthy cookie is a Coconut drop which is just naturally sweet. You can either put into the mixture, or browned and then topped on top of a sugar free cookie to give it that most excellent taste. Oils play a part in making a cookie sweet, so use it as much as possible in your baking.

Lastly, you can even cut down oils too. If you do not want to add any type of hydrogenated oil or trans fats, it’s easier to eat a scrumptious cookie. All you have to do is to add some light chocolate, a few fruits of berries and nuts. Sometimes you may just want to eliminate the flour too, and eat it as a bar dessert. Whatever type of healthy cookie that you decide to make or purchase, make sure that you enjoy it. It’s hard enough to give up the old habits of past for a healthy choice in our day.

Home shopping networks 24

Home Shopping Networks

Shopping can be a lot of fun. What is hard about it sometimes is how long it might take to find the right things, and there are times of the year when the stores are so packed it becomes a nightmare. There are many who will love shopping no matter what, but the rest of us need a break once in a while. This is why the home shopping networks on television are so popular in some homes. Not only can you find some of the things you need, there are also many things that you would never find in your own town that you might like to have.

There are quite a few home shopping networks on television, though at first there was only one. They sell just about anything and everything, and many of the shows are geared towards one particular thing. If you are looking for new jewelry, you can always tune in when the home shopping networks have a show just about jewelry. Some are about clothing, home office, kitchen and cooking, and many other things. There are even shows that sell entire lines of things you cannot find in store, such as perfumes, lotions, and many other things dealing with beauty, and health and wellness issues.

There is a danger with home shopping networks, and if you are a compulsive shopper, you will know what I mean. If you find that you love the networks devoted to shopping, find someone to monitor your spending and your time spent watching. There are many great things they have to offer, and when you have a problem with spending money, you may find you are spending more than you should. As long as someone is keeping an eye on you, you should be okay. Just remember to turn it off and watch something else when you think you are going overboard.

The home shopping networks are not exclusively on television any longer. Most of these places have websites where you can get many of the things you have seen on television. This is great when you don’t have time to sit down and watch a lot, but you know they have something that you want. You can also find information about what is coming up on the networks, and when you should make it a point to watch. When wishing to avoid the crowded stores, especially around the holidays, this might just be the way to go.

Improve your credit history with adverse credit secured loan

Do you want to improve your credit history? Then adverse credit secured loans are the best one that you can opt for.

What is credit score?

Credit score of an individual is the estimate of his financial credit value. Generally the range of credit score or FICO is from 300 to 850. If your credit score is 580or below, then it would be consider as an adverse credit score. People with adverse credit score could be CCJ’s, IVA’s, Defaults, Arrears, people who have previously filled for bankruptcy and late payment.

Fundamental Features:

Adverse credit secured loans is available against a collateral. But choosing a good collateral is very important, as the amount you want to borrow depends on the value of your collateral. Thus, if you want to borrow a high amount against a high value of collateral, it would be easy for you to get the amount. Even, in that case lenders may charge a comparatively low rate of interest. Some common used collateral are houses, other real estate, vehicles, home equity, saving accounts etc.

Brimful of benefits:

Adverse credit secured loans are adorned with lots of benefits. With adverse credit secured loans, you can improve your credit history and stop them from getting negative impact on your credit report. The new loan will begin to make positive reports so long as you make your payments on time and keep it up to date. Though the fee and fine you have to pay for your overdue debt, won’t be eliminated.

How can you get an adverse credit secured loans?

Like other loans, some initiatives are needed to get the best adverse credit secured loan. Don’t confine yourself only in one source. But have a look at other sources too, like banks, financial institutions, lending companies etc. Internet is a good option for swift loan searching. Many lenders offer online adverse credit secured loans, so just click the mouse and collect all information about adverse credit secured loans within few seconds. And do compare various loan quotations to get the best deal.

Need to remember:

The interest rate on adverse credit secured loans is relatively high. So, before applying think again and again, whether you would be able to repay the amount or not. Don’t forget you are using your property against adverse credit secured loans. Thus, if you can’t pay back the amount then your collateral will be occupied by the lender. And it will affect your credit score negatively as well.

Adverse credits secured loans are provided to those persons, who are cursed with adverse credit history. These loans are a benediction for them. With adverse credit secured loans, they will be able to improve their credit score and their credit history too.

What you need to do for a home loan

If you plan on getting a home loan there are many things that you should take into account before proceeding. The first thing is the type of home loan that you need.

There are many types of home loans, from which the most common are:

-the fixed rate loan - it is a loan where a fixed interest rate is paid during the life of the loan. This type of home loan usually has a interest rate that is higher than the interest rate of a variable rate home loan

-the variable rate loan - unlike the fixed rate home loan, this loan has an interest rate that varies during the life of the loan

-the home equity loan - this type of home loan should be used if you want to withdraw equity from a home without needing to refinance your original loan. It is easy to get a home equity loan, and they can be either with a fixed rate or with a variable rate.

-the first mortgage loan, is a primary home loan, used at buying a house or a real estate property. There are many programs with first mortgage, and they offer different benefits, lice discounts. The first mortgage home loan can also have a variable or a fixed interest rate.

-the bad credit loan - a home loan for people with bad credit. It usually has an interest rate higher than regular home loans.

Your credit report is very important, because it 'decides' the amount of money that you can borrow. This credit report determines your credit score, which will have a value between 375 and 900. If it is over 650 it is considered excellent, but it's not difficult to get a loan even if you have a bad credit score.

The next step is to choose a home loan, but before accepting one you should know what to look for in a loan:

-mortgage points, some fees that you pay and that lower the interest rate of your home loan

-inspection fees - these are only required for the first mortgages and for homes that are susceptible to disasters(floods, hurricanes)

-loan fees - they are a percent of the mortgage, and you should try to a avoid a lot of lot of loan fees

After you've applied for a home loan you should compare all the loan offers that you've been presented and decide on the one that you feel that best suits your needs, because some of the loans offer high interest rates but favorable terms, and other low rates but high fees.

Remember that if a loan seems too good to be true, chit prances are that it probably is...

So, you've decided on a home loan, now you must apply for it. You can apply at a bank, through a mortgage broker, or online, which is really good way for applying because hundreds of people will se your application and you'll receive an answer in very short time.

Now, you've completed the loan process, and the last thing you'll do is to close the loan.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Healthy eating the debate continues

There are few things as controversial as exactly what constitutes ‘healthy eating’. Everyone wants to eat more healthily, and producers of food want their customers to believe that whatever they’re selling will help them do that. Somewhere along the line, the truth gets lost in the noise.

In objective terms, most nutritionists agree that the best path to healthy eating is to eat all the different food groups in moderation. These means to avoid fad diets that restrict one food group and go overboard with another, and not to eat too much of whatever your favourite food might be. The key is to eat some carbohydrate, protein and fat at each meal, hopefully balancing out things like pasta and rice with meat or other fats and proteins.

However, it is also necessary to restrict calorie intake, which basically means not eating too much overall. How many calories you need varies depending on your gender, how old you are and what kind of work you do, but somewhere between 2000-2500 calories per day works as a general rule.

A more controversial part of the drive towards healthy eating is that some food ingredients are generally considered to be unhealthy in any quantity – and the big food manufacturers aren’t happy about this, because these ingredients tend to be cheap, or tasty, or useful, or all three. Preservatives are a good example, as are pesticides and sweeteners, and consumers’ attempts to avoid these have led to manufacturers being forced to go to all sorts of lengths to remove them from their foods.

Governments have got in on the healthy eating act, too, with many of them mounting campaigns on it in an effort to drive down obesity and other food-related conditions. The most common one is the message to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables per day, which has led to a marketing feeding frenzy, with other campaigns including anti-salt, pro-oils, anti-trans fats, and sometimes anti-junk food in general.

Healthy dining out

With our busy lives these days we are more apt to dine out, pick up take out food, or have food delivered to us. The problem is we are not aware of the calories and fat we are consuming when we continually eat food other than what we, ourselves have prepared.

The average dinner meal at a restaurant is 1200 calories, and 60 grams of fat. Men should not have more than 70 grams of fat a day, and women 40 grams of fat a day. One meal alone can make up one whole days worth of fat, or two, in the case of women’s diets. If you do find a meal that is low in fat, make sure you do not consume such a large serving that you eat more calories than you should.

There are restaurants out there that do have meals considered lower in fat and calories. If you do not see it on the menu ask your server for the information. Remember low carb is not low-fat. When you are eating a low – carb meal out at a restaurant you are usually eating high-fat. Make sure you do not take in more than 20 grams of fat in a meal. Below is a list of restaurants that offer low-fat meals.





















We use food as an important part of our cultural and social lives to connect with one another. We also use it as a comfort when we have had a bad day, a bad week, a bad month, or a bad year. Reducing the foods we do not need helps us stay healthy in mind and body.

Remember, even though we are overwhelmed, stressed out and tired, we must make healthy decisions when it comes to what we eat. Trans fat, found in most cooking oils in restaurants - is the worst kind of fat you can put in your body. It increases the level of blood fat called triglycerides, and has even been found to contribute to insulin resistance, which raises the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Children as young as 10 years old are developing heart disease and diabetes. Set an example for your children and ensure you both will live long, healthy lives.

Going wireless with your headphones

If you're looking for the latest in wireless headphones for your enjoyment and private listening, whether to TV, stereo, home entertainment such as theater, iTunes or Ipod, you might do well to look at the highly recommended Sennheiser RS 130 wireless headphones.

These state of the art wireless headphones provide an advanced communication via FM radio frequency. The result is clear sound with no background noise or static and nearly 500 feet of free movement. The headphones have terrific surround sound effects and weigh less than ten ounces. They are ergonomically designed to provide hours of comfort.

The features of the Sennheiser RS130 wireless headphones include a base station for the headphones that is attractive and stores the headphones whre they are not in use and also charges the batteries. Batteries are NiMH type, and their single charge keeps them going for 22 hours of your listening enjoyment. The wireless headphones base station has a 900 MHz high performance transmission, also wireless, that delivers a playback that is very impressive in its high fidelity capability. Its transmitters use Sennheiser's customized system of intelligent automated tuning. This seeks and then chooses the best of three channels from base to headset that are available for delivery of sound to the wireless headphones.

A music professional and online consumer music advocate reviewed the Sennheiser wireless headphones. He noted the worldwide acclaim of all Sennheiser audio products as well as its firm's state of the art designs and manufacture. He said that the Sennheiser RS 130 wireless headphones lived up to the Sennheiser quality reputation by delivering a high performance sound, as well as top notch value and ergonomically designed comfort.

He said that he tested the Sennheiser wireless headphones both inside and outside, in conjunction with his speaker system - a ZVOX 315 - and his iPod.

The ZVOX 315, by the way, is a surround sound single box speaker system that uses a single cable to connect to an mp3, an iPos, portable music instrument or equipment, or a computer, TV, CD player, DVD, satellite or clock radio, game console or any other device that has a jack for headphones or an audio output of some sort.

He also used his iTunes from his laptop. What he found was that the Sennheiser RS 130 wireless headphones gave him unparalleled listening without any disruptive noise. His recommendation was that anyone who was looking for a set of wireless headphones for less than $200 to be used with their iPod, their iTunes, their TV, stereo, or home theater, didn't need to look anywhere else.

Employee stock options what you need to know

Stock options are the most well-known form of long-term compensation motivations for executives in leading companies. Because of this, stock options are currently being provided to a lot of employees in many companies. Here are some things you need to know about stock options.

1) Stock options are appropriate for: small companies where growth is anticipated, and publicly-owned companies that want to provide company ownership to its employees.

2) Stock options are still popular. This is according to the National Center for Employee Ownership who reported that there are 9 million employees who participate in approximately 4,000 plans. This is in comparison to the 1 million participants a decade ago.

3) More and more companies are offering stock options to rank and file employees in addition to the executive suite. In the current environment where top talents matter a lot, offering stock options have become an effective way of luring efficient employees.

4) When implementing stock options, consider the following:

• How much stock a company will be willing to sell

• Who will receive the options

• The number of options available to be sold in the future

• If it is a permanent part of the benefit plan or merely an incentive

5) Employee stock options have two basic types. They are called the nonqualified stock options and qualified, or incentive, stock options, or the ISOs. The nonqualified stock options are usually offered to employees, while the ISOs, which are eligible for special tax treatment, go mainly to the upper management.

6) Stock options can be exercised in three different ways by: paying cash, swapping employer stock that you already own, or borrowing money from a stockbroker while at the same time selling the necessary shares to cover the costs you incur.

7) Stock options need to be exercised prudently. Otherwise, these can cause financial troubles, especially when you’re paying taxes on your profits. It’s true that you still have to pay taxes even though you decide to keep the stock you bought. The trick is not to overreach to enjoy the benefits that stock options offer.

8) Even though the ISOs are for the privileged, it doesn’t mean that nonqualified plans are regular plans. Fact is, nonqualified stock options, unlike ISOs, can be offered at a discount to the stock's market value. The nonqualified options are also transferable to children and charity, but with the employer’s permission.

9) You can maximize your profits by holding on to your stock options until they are about to expire. This allows for appreciation for your stock options and therefore, higher gains.

10) However, there may be times when you need to exercise your stock options earlier. You may do so if you are overweight on your company stock and you want diversification to ensure safety in your investments.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Affiliate marketing 6 tips for online marketing

So, you are thinking about marketing on line, good idea.

The easiest and most profitable way to start is Affiliate Programs.

If you are willing to put a good bit of easy work into affiliate

programs you can make a comfortable living. You will not need a

college degree or anything like that. All you need is a willing

mind. The main road to success are focused dedication and a lot of



1. Affiliate programs may be the easiest online business to start

running. although it doesn't’t hurt to do some study so that you can

learn from other people's mistakes rather than go through them

yourself. In addition, you are likely to pick up ideas that you

wouldn't have come up with yourself. There are numerous training

products with great strategies to adopt. One of the best ways to do

this is look at what people who have used the courses are saying in

some of the popular Internet marketing forums.

2. These programs are a great way to get started in an online

business. There are some 'Super Affiliates' who are making fabulous

incomes from these programs. Affiliate programs allow you to sell

another company's service or product and make a commission on every

sale or lead. You don't even need to build a web site or handle the

transaction. Your job is to drive traffic to your affiliate link.

3. An affiliate link is a special URL code that will identify

customers coming to the company's site from your advertising. It will

be the web site address with a code attached to the end. Some programs also have tiers. That means if someone who is interested in selling the product comes through your link and signs up you will also get a small percentage of their earnings.

4. To choose a program You should research the popularity of some of

your interests. Try to determine if people are buying that product or

service online. There are many sources for finding that information

including free ones, such as the Overture keyword tool.

When you have found an area that is popular then type the subject

along with 'affiliate program' into your search engine and see which

programs have services or products for that area. You can also use an

affiliate program directory.

5. After founding a program that looks good you should check the

terms of the program. Make sure that pay outs are not based on a high

commission earning or you may never see your money. Also try to

choose programs with high commission rates. Often you will find

ebooks and downloadable software has the highest rates as there is no

physical product to make or ship. If you are satisfied with the terms

then you need to sign up.

6. The reason affiliate programs are so great for beginners is that

you only need to focus on marketing. Many affiliate programs have

information on how to market and give you tools such as banners,

product feeds and more. You can also look for other information on

marketing including writing articles, creating pay-per-click

campaigns, commenting in online forums etc. As you gain experience

marketing you will make adjustments to your selling and start

creating a wonderful income!

Why a large number of would-be online marketers are either

unsuccessful or only partially successful is because they lack focus.

They jump from one strategy to the next without mastering any. In

affiliate marketing, the key to success is planning and focus. Take

one strategy and concentrate on it for a set period of time, maybe a

month. If it isn't’t returning enough then look for an alternative and spend time developing it. If it is working, then look at ways of

making it even better. Most people want to 'get rich quick' on the

Internet and fail. To make real riches you need to have a strategy,

look to the longer terms and stay focused.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Food allergies

Food allergies

Food allergies are something that is difficult to identify unless one is well aware of the baseline information with regard to this type of allergy. The main symptoms of food allergies in dogs include the facial itching, limb chewing, belly itching, recurrent ear infections or skin infections.

Since the dogs consume lot of prepared food materials including various kinds of proteins, fillers, coloring agents and more; in the commercial food materials, the incidences of food allergies are more than one can imagine. Allergic reactions mostly involve the skin or the gastro intestinal tract.

If you come across your dog itching after the provision of specific food materials, then suspect the food allergy in this animal. However, conditions like fungal infections need to be ruled out in general before the conclusion of itching as a sign of food allergy.

There are many recorded incidences of allergies of dogs to corn or to wheat. However, the food allergies vary from dog to dog. Read the labels clearly before feeding your dogs with pet food materials, in such occasions. Too much colored food materials may be avoided since they may cause allergies to your dog.

Food allergies are often linked to the hyper active behavior noticed in the dogs. Added colors, preservatives, and high fat diet might cause such food allergies in the dogs and hence, one has to be careful in providing new kind of diet to their dogs and closely monitor the dog for any signs of allergy.

There are many occasions that food allergies might be diagnosed in the dogs but the dog may have other problems like pancreatitis. To rule out the food allergies, observation your dogs everytime you feed them, look for reasons to link the signs of dog with food given, specific signs encountered, differential diagnosis etc. are the important features to be given emphasis.

Doing business online get leads in real time

The advantages of doing business online—regardless of what industry you’re a part of—is the fact that you can enjoy the perks of a round-the-clock business without supervising it simultaneously. You also have the benefits of generating responses in real-time and creating an effective database from where you can store the crucial information in your business.

Real estate, like many other enterprises, relies heavily on the leads to which it can market its product. More than any other business enterprise, however, it has taken great advantage of the virtual realm of the Internet. Many arduous tasks usually performed by real estate agents have been facilitated or taken over by the Internet. This, however, has not been such a bad thing.

One of the most beneficial benefits of the Internet to the real estate industry is the fact that instead of having clients visiting open house shows or model units, they may opt to view the real estate in the comfort of their own home. This is done through virtual tours of any real estate property. Virtual tours can be advanced enough to integrate full navigation of a virtual counterpart of the unit or property you are selling.

Given that your would-be client has complete access to information you usually would provide in person, how then can you make sure that you can still get leads out of these virtual tours? Maximize the potential of the Internet and make sure that while they are clicking away in their virtual real estate tour, they provide you with further information through which you can get in touch with them or send them other information about your venture.

Another option is to tie up your content with the information you need. This means that for them to be able to view your real estate video or take a virtual tour, they will have to provide you with an email address or the like, or sign up for your newsletter. This way, you can keep track of who’s taking your virtual tours, and moreover, keep interested those who seem interested by providing supplementary materials right to their inboxes.

After the virtual tour, you may also create a page designed especially for online referrals. Don’t hesitate to ask the visitor to enter the email addresses of friends should he or she be impressed with the virtual tour. Send these referred email addresses links to your website and to the virtual tour, and you will find your leads increasing exponentially.

Adware spyware

Adware and Spyware have become familiar terms in the lexicon of Internet jargon. Their definitions range from helpful cookies that many people choose to have on their computer to programs that can actually steal your identity. That's a pretty big area. That's why any information of these important subjects needs to include definitions of exactly what actually encompasses both adware and spyware.

Adware is software that provides advertising, usually in the form of pop ups, and gathers general information, by using cookies, through the user's Internet connection. Adware is often packaged with free downloaded programs. By definition, adware, by itself, is not dangerous, but can fall into the annoying category. Adware can generate constant pop up advertising when the downloaded program is running. It can also place cookies on your computer that will provide information about you when you click on the pop ups or log on to the original program download site. If users register the downloaded program, usually games, and pay the registration fee, the adware disappears. If you download a free program, there is a reasonable probability it will contain some form of adware. So far, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Many people happily trade payment for enduring a few pop up advertisements and don't care if their general Internet surfing habits are being tracked. The problem begins when they become intrusive.
That's when adware becomes spyware.

When adware is expanded to use your computer's resources to steal information, it becomes spyware. Spyware is like the Trojan horse that is discussed on our Virus article. Computer users who are installing a program or swapping files (i. e. music downloads) may also be installing a spyware program whose purpose is to monitor your computer activity and gather your private and confidential information. This includes e-mail addresses, user passwords and certainly any credit card numbers you enter when making a purchase on-line. They can also happily install other spyware programs, hijack your web browser by changing your home page and your browser's search engine. All the time it is sending back information to the bad guys, who will use it for their own advertising purposes, sell it to other bad guys or use it to steal your identity. To do all this, spyware uses your computer's memory resources and bandwidth. This can slow your computer to a crawl, especially if you use memory intensive programs. Spyware is not

Do you have adware and/or spyware on your computer? The chances are absolutely outstanding that you do. This may not be a problem, but sometimes it could be disastrous. Some of the signs that your computer may be infected are:
1. Your web browser looks a little different. New toolbars suddenly appeared. The search engine you use is different. A brand new home page suddenly appeared.
2. Pop up advertisements that aren't related to the web site you are viewing are appearing with disturbing regularity. You click on links that go to nowhere. Ads for pornographic web sites start popping up on your computer. Your "new" search engine produces web sites unrelated to your query.
3. Your Windows desk top takes longer to load than it did in the past. This is because lots of spyware programs have added themselves to the Windows start up procedure and load every time you turn on your computer.
4. Your computer is running slower than normal.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you probably are infected and need to take some action.

There are hundreds of Spyware programs on the market. Most offer a free on-line inspection of your computer to see if any spyware is present. Since their scans always find something, it's a great way to market their product. However, it's probably a good idea to dig a little deeper before making a buying decision.

Some anti-virus programs include adware and spyware elements as part of the basic program. Check yours and see if you have a spyware feature and if it is activated. If it is, and you still are experiencing problems, make sure you have downloaded the latest updates.

At Jamison Software, we look at viruses and spyware as two different problems and have chosen to attack them with two different programs. When selecting a spyware program we looked at numerous reviews and tested several (they all have 30 day free trials) on different computers before making a decision. Spyware and anti-virus programs work basically the same way. They develop large data bases or encyclopedias of known adware and spyware. The computer is scanned against these data bases and the culprits are identified and deleted or placed in a quarantine folder where they can't continue to cause trouble. These data bases are constantly updated in order to keep up with the spyware developers. Good Spyware programs should do two things well. They should maintain great data bases and provide fast, proactive customer service.

Why do we like two programs? Viruses and Spyware are cousins and sometimes there is a gray line between the two. With two data bases, we can sometimes stay ahead of the curve, finding a problem in one program that is actually solved by the other. Here's an example.

We use and highly recommend Spysweeper by Webroot software. One feature of Spysweeper is that it identifies new programs that will start when Windows starts. If no new programs are being installed, this means only one thing-spyware. When that happens, an alert screen appears and there is an option to remove the offending program. Sometimes that procedure is successful and the problem is resolved. However, occasionally the program reappears all by itself in a second or two. We have a virus. That information can be passed on to AVG Anti-virus Systems, our Anti-virus software provider, and within hours an update removing the offender is downloaded and implemented. This happened several times on our test computer (we did not use a firewall to attempt to create just this scenario) and we were very pleased with the results. We also found that Trojan horse files with a. pif suffix were the main culprits.

If you are concerned about spyware, we recommend Spysweeper. We found the data base very thorough and up to date and their customer service team responsive. When we had to upload suspected spyware for their review, they provided detailed, easy to follow instructions.

Buy and Download Software Online - Free Trials Available

All the secrets about digital steam train photos

True photographers and collectors will definitely know what the value of a digital steam train photo collection really is. Steam trains are part of the history of mankind, as our civilization wouldn't have gone this far without the discovery of the steam engine. But how many of us have got the chance to really see a true steam train? Too few actually. Now, I think it is a little clearer why digital steam train photos are highly appreciated by collectors, since they are a little more difficult to get than normal pictures. A digital camera may be within reach, but a steam train is not.

The earliest steam trains go back to the Industrial Revolution that changed the face of mankind for ever. Now the steam trains and engines are on display in special museums, or they are sleeping at the back of long forgotten deposit places. Digital steam train photos collections come from those of you who are determined enough to look back at history and record it with the help of modern technology. The great part about such digital photos is that the zoom in option allows you to get the very precise technical details of a steam train.

Many of the photos in the collections some people have, come from digital steam train photo albums that were downloaded from the Internet. However, for some passionate collectors that are interested in both steam trains and photography, there is an immense satisfaction to actually get to take detailed pictures of a classical steam engine. Some of the digital steam train photos may be so vivid you can almost imagine the wheel screeching. The advantage of using a good digital camera, with advanced features is that you will get a truly atmospheric classic image.

Even if you’re in motion when you take a picture, it should not affect the quality of the digital photos, since technology has already learned how to avoid blurring. There are thousands of digital steam train photos online, some technical, some artistic, your choice. Yet, mention should be made that there are sites providing more special photos, for which you’ll have to pay if you want to get the train photos for the collection. There are people who have even made a business out of selling digital steam train photos to industry and shops. Who knows? You may be one of them.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Metal detector parts

A metal detector should not be bought solely on the suggestion of one person (no matter how good a friend). If you are new to the hobby, you should realize that long time detector users can be very committed to the particular model and brand of detector that they have been using. They are generally unfamiliar with anything newer or different. As you can probably tell metal detectors are very useful not only to find that cherished earring but for our everyday safety and well being. This is a great invention that will be here for years to come.

The metal detectors in airports, office buildings and prisons for example help ensure that no one is bringing a weapon onto the property. Consumer oriented metal detectors provide entertainment to people and give chance in discovering hidden treasures. How much will you spend on a detector? It is advisable to be a little flexible in this regard so that one can buy one that most suits the requirements.

Metal Detector Parts

If you are one of those people who wonder about those weird people with sticks that make noises, think no more. What they are holding are called metal detectors and they are not only used by treasure hunters but also for security purposes like bomb or firearm detection. These contraptions are very useful. They can give signals even from the smallest coin deep sited. How can it detect those metals? Here is a 101 on the parts of a detector and how it works. You need to know the parts of it and its operation to understand what this contraption is telling you when you hear those weird beeps.

Metal detectors for hobbyists or those who just try metal detecting for fun; has equipment that is simple and lightweight, unlike those for security purposes. This simple contraption is composed of uncomplicated parts.

1. Control panel or box - literally the area of the detector where you control almost everything. Inside are the circuits, batteries, the processor and the speakers.

2. Tube - more commonly known as the shaft. It attaches the control panel and the search head.

3. Search head - most important part of the detector. It is the part that spots possible treasures around. (It has other names also: loop, antenna, or the search coil)

Metal detectors work on the principal of electromagnetics and their effects on conductive metals. There are actually two separate elements in the coil of a typical unit. One is a high-powered coil of metal which uses the battery power to generate a penetrating magnetic field. Youve got to buy a metal detector that could withstand normal wear and tear longer than its competitors. The longer the metal detector can serve you, the better your return on investment will be.

My recommendation is to simply allow mining companies to clean up this contamination in the California watershed through large dredging and sluicing operations without risk of civil or criminal liability, and possibly for a profit. We must also allow recreational miners greater access with fewer restrictions in the smaller creeks and streams that would be inaccessible to mining companies.

Any place there is construction and the ground is being cleared, that is a great place to start treasure hunting. Successfull treasure hunting starts with having the right metal detector. But which type of metal detector should you get? Complete info on metal detectors and treasure hunting at http://detect-metal. info. The good news is that prices have never been lower for such easy to use full featured automatic detectors. A good way to view the purchase is to decide how much money you are comfortable spending.

Some metal detectors use BFO (Beat Frequent Oscillation). This technology contains two coils of wire. The two coils are represented by two wires which is the large and the small. The large coil can be found in the search coil of the detector while the small coil is found on the System Control Pack.

4. Stabilizer - it aids in your control when you hold the item. This is now common for most metal detectors but not all detectors have this feature.

5. Headphones - this part is also optional but advisable. It aids you in listening only to specific noises. You can hear even the slightest sound of beeping. You can also reduce the sound around you by adding this to your machine.

There are three types of metal detectors these are: VLF, PI and BFO. VLF or Very low frequency is the most commonly bought detector on the market. This type of machine generates an electromagnetic field and can detect at what level or depth the metal may be.

PI or Pulse induction is not as common as the VLF. This contraption generates and uses the coil (just one) as the recipient and spreader of the impulses. The good thing about this item is that it can locate deep sited metals and in areas that other metal detector types have difficulty in.

BFO or beat frequency oscillator is the most common and down to earth contraption there is. This type needs 2 coils that are linked and generates radio-waves. These are the cheapest available that are being sold in stores. Remember when you know how a detector works you will enjoy doing it effortlessly. Research more and get that detector. You never know what you just might get.

When hand-held detectors are switched on, a red signal pattern in transmitted from the coil to the ground. When the signal comes in contact with a metal, it interrupts the signal and the detector alerts the user with an audio signal and flashing lights. So next time you loose that ring at the beach or you dime at the park remember there are ways to find you beloved object. Have Fun. Find the best gold metal detector today and start treasure hunting!

Remember, the higher the coil is above the surface the more depth you will lose. If they've got a old coin that is 6 in. below the surface, and your detector can detect 8 in., and the coil is 3 in. above the ground, you will miss that target. If the coil had been directly upon the ground you would be able to detect that target. The Garrett Enforcer G-2 is the smallest body scanner and sensitive enough to detect even the smallest of knives or guns. The most popular one is the Super Scanner. It can detect hatpins as small as one inch.

Silk neck ties

Men’s neck ties have always been around for centuries in various forms. Today’s neck tie started out with the Chinese warriors and Roman soldiers through the past history. Cravats were used to be worn by European gentlemen in the 1700’s and these were closely linked to today’s ties.

Modern neck ties are attributed to Jesse Langsdorf who patented all weather wrinkle free tie in the 1920’s. After the World War II, men started taking interest in their fashion and as such ties were introduced in bold geometric designs mostly in silk and rayon fabrics. Ties of this time were being worn at up to a five inch width. In the 50’s ties started getting thin down and were called as Slim-Jim ties and some of these were no more as bootlaces. In the 60’s again ties became wider and sometimes it was seen in the width of 5 or 6 inches and in psychedelic designs.

In the present times, a man has a large variety of ties to choose from beginning from novelty ties to custom silk ties. Anything could go as far as novelty neck ties from a hula dancer, to a picture of your pet from your favorite sports team logo to a Christmas tree. Most of these designs of ties are priced between $20 and $30.

Among these custom silk neck ties are much popular and there are numerous companies in the U. S. and the Europe that specialize in custom made silk ties. These tie manufacturers use finest pure silk fabrics and linings and also each and every tie is handmade. Do you know that the lining of a tie could also affect its weight and the size knot it will make?

Today there are many designer ties to choose from in a department and men’s clothing store. Many of the top fashion designers include silk neck ties in their collections and these can range anywhere from $75 to $150 and you can also get some good deal on these types of ties while doing an online search.

For more information, visit tying-neck-tie. info

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Popular art galleries of london

In this article, I write about some of the different art galleries which people can visit when they are in London. I would very much recommend that you make time during your trip to have a look around some of the places mentioned, as they are sure to add to your experience of visiting the capital city of England.

London is fast becoming a very popular weekend break destination with its long history and many attractions. As well as all of the most popular tourist attractions, such as Big Ben and The Tower Of London, there are number of quality art galleries which people can and should also visit.

The art galleries which I would recommend people to visit in London:

Queen's Gallery, Buckingham Palace

This gallery shows various pieces from the Royal Collection including famous works by Leonardo and Vermeer.

Their have been many additions to the amount of items on display after a recent extension. I personally like viewing the jewels that are on show, which are very impressive. The whole place is steeped in history and some of the pieces of furniture on display are not only worth huge sums of money, they are also extremely old and superbly maintained.

The National Gallery

There are a number of superb and famous paintings at the National Gallery including:

The Ambassadors

A Woman Bathing In A Stream

Virgin And Child With St Anne And John The Baptist

Rokeby Venus

The many paintings in this gallery date from 1260-1900.

National Portrait Gallery

This gallery opened in 1856 and houses many paintings and also some very famous portraits such as:

Margaret Thatcher

Germaine Greer


Horatio Nelson

The Serpentine Gallery

This happens to be my favourite gallery as it tends to show more contemporary artists. It is located near Kensington Gardens and is a must in my opinion.

Tate Britain

Many people believe that this gallery has the best collection of British art in the world.

This gallery offers a free guided tour and there are films every day of the week.

Some of the paintings on show at the Tate Britain are:

Sancta Lilias

Flatford Mill

Norham Castle, Sunrise

Elohim Creating Adam

Pink And Green Sleepers

The Tate Modern

This is a fairly new gallery which is located on the South bank of the Thames.

It shows modern art from early 1900 to the present day.

As you can see there are a number of galleries which people can choose from. The ones I have mentioned above are among my favourites, however there are many more which people can also visit including:

Kenwood House

The Dulwich Picture Gallery

The Royal Academy

I hope you enjoy your time in London and find these art galleries as interesting as I do.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Methods to get free targeted internet traffic to your website part 1

No matter what opportunity or product you promote via the internet you do not have a business unless you have customers. One way to increase sales is to increase your customer base, this means more visitor traffic. If you are not interested in free web traffic, congratulations, you must have deep pockets or all ready have more than you can handle. For those who are interested in free web traffic, read on.

Just getting large numbers of visitors to websites is not enough. These visits have to turn into sales. A chance or uninterested visitor is little better than no visitor. Every site needs targeted visitors. Your site needs people who have seen your message and have had their interest peeked. With a targeted market approximately 3 visitors for every 100 will make purchases. Without targeted visitors this conversion rate drops significantly.

Throughout this article you will encounter numerous ways to increase your web traffic. This traffic will be well targeted free leads, all through online marketing methods.

Do you like to be sold, or pushed into a sale? Like most the answer is a definitive NO. One of my mentors has instilled in me the importance of building relationships as apposed to selling someone. Once the person gets to know, like, and trust you they will be more willing to join you in your opportunity or buy product from you. Remember, know, like, trust, buy!

Free Traffic and Message Boards

Relating this principle to free internet marketing, I suggest you visit message boards. These boards are so effective that I still receive requests and referrals from posts made over a year ago. Visit various boards post messages, meet people, ask questions, share your wisdom, and words of encouragement.

Suggested tips to keep in mind when posting to message boards. Remember you are there to build relationships, you want people to know, like and trust you.

Do not spam: - do not post the same thing over and over

- post something meaningful and relevant to the conversation

- do not advertise unless otherwise specified

- do not participate in negative postings about others (criticize or flame)

To make the most of message boards and insure highly targeted traffic to your website:

- select boards that pertain to your product or opportunity

- get your name out and popularity up, post a response to a question or simply post a question yourself

- include a signature file with your name and URL, no email. This can be placed in the profile page. It is a good idea to set-up a second email because, you will get spam

- spend one or two evenings a week posting on several different message boards

- be genuine, helpful, and try to learn a few things


Free Traffic and Traffic Generation Sites

Traffic generation sites can be good and bad. Most are not worth your time, however, there are a few good ones, so choose with care. I recommend Traffic Swarm. This site is better than most because people select a site from a list in topics they have selected to view ads from. An ad is then chosen based on a tag line and a short description you have written. If the visitor wants credit for their selection you have their attention for a minimum of 20 seconds. After that they may click another site without penalty. Again this is that target traffic so necessary to success.

These tips should get your going. Part 2 will gome along soon.

A taste of wine

Red Wine

The first operation performed on grapes after they are removed from their storage is to de-stem them, which is the process of removing the grape from the shoots to which they are attached.

As soon as all the grapes in the batch are de-stemmed, they are placed into the wine press where they are compressed into a paste which in turn releases the must (the juice of the fruit). The resulting paste (or pomace) and must combination then spend time together in a cask and it is the length of time that the mixture sits with the must in contact with the grape skin and pulp that determines the character of the finished wine.

When the winemaker determines the right amount of time has passed, the juice is drawn off and yeast added to begin the fermentation process with the remaining pomace, in many cases, being returned to the vineyard to be used as a fertilizer.

Once the colour and sugar content are correct the cask valve is opened and the first juice, which is the best quality wine, is then transferred into other containers where the fermentation process is finalized.

‘Pressed wines’, which are full of tannin, are made from the leftover solids. They have a strong colour and are generally mixed with the first juice in many different ways to create wines of different strengths and flavours.

When the fermentation process is complete, the wine is either bottled straight away, or left to age.

White Wine

When making white wine it is important not to damage the grapes, so they are poured into the receiving bins as quickly as possible. Once they are all in the receiving bin, the grapes are then transferred to the press where the must is separated from the skins and other solids.

At this stage the solids are disregarded and the remaining must is slightly refrigerated before being transferred into a stainless steel vat where it is allowed to ferment. Care is taken to maintain the temperature during fermenting which preserves the delicate aromas of the finished wine.

Once the fermentation process is complete, the resultant wine is decanted taking care to avoid the sediment which collects at the bottom of the vat. After decanting, the wine is bottled and ready to be sold, and is best drunk within two years.

Sweet Dessert Wines

Dessert wines are produced in one of two ways. In the first method, Botrytis Cinera, a fungus which grows very quickly, is used. This transforms the fruit and changes the colour and also alters the acid components and sugar levels. The second method is to interrupt the fermentation process by adding alcohol. This method creates a strong, sweet wine where the grape is the major flavour.

Grapes used for sweet wines are of the white Moscatel and Garnacha varieties which, along with the production process, leave the wine with a mushroom type smell as the bottle is opened.