Saturday, September 3, 2016

How to write a winning job interview letter

Whether employers spend time reading cover letters or not, it is always an excellent idea to include one since it can showcase additional information that is not included in your resume.

Your cover letter should be carefully polished in order to grab the attention of the employer and therefore improving your chance of getting an interview. In writing a job interview letter you can be assured that every word counts.

Experienced employers will carefully evaluate your writing as well as the content and readability to see if it holds up to what is needed in the corporate culture. It is important to remember that the higher the position applied for the more is expected from your job interview letter.

Remember that you are not the only one applying for the job so the possibility of your job interview letter not being read is there. Also, refrain from making lengthy job interview letters since employers just don’t have the time to read such types of letters. Make your job interview letter as brief and as to the point as possible.

Important steps to follow in building noteworthy job interview letters:

• Heading - this is where you should put your name, phone, fax number and email address. Always double-check the spelling and numbers to ensure that there are no mistakes. You don’t want employers to discard your resume or cover letter because they weren’t able to reach you. An employer would usually contact during day time so if you are at work it would be best to add your work phone number. Likewise, beeper numbers as well as mobile phone numbers should also be included.

• The First Paragraph - should contain information on how you learned about the job opening. Most companies use this information as their reference in searching for best ways of attracting qualified candidates. If it happens that you saw the job opening in a classified ad then don’t forget to mention the newspaper as well as the date the ad appeared.

It is also important to state your objective and the specific position you desire. Employers just don’t have the time to guess your motive for wanting to apply to their company. Be specific and refrain from vague words.

• The Second Paragraph - should provide information beyond what’s in your resume. Discuss some of your people-skills such as team building, being a self-starter and other organizational abilities. Provide the employer with a specific reason why you should be considered for the job. Don’t forget to add your actual accomplishments since this is what usually interest employers. Make use of lists or bulleting your accomplishments is another way of highlighting your experience.

• The Closing Paragraph - it is important to state in the closing paragraph that you will follow up to confirm receipt of your resume and then ask for an interview appointment in a nice and respectful way. Remember that employers are impressed by applicants who show initiative and perseverance. And while most employers consider the resume more than letters, writing a clear, concise and carefully tailored cover letter often can tip an employer’s scales in your favor and help you land an interview or at the very least ensure your resume is read.

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